book recommendation,

Valentine's Day Cookies & My Fave Fictional Romances

4:32 PM Deborah Embury 0 Comments

Just a short little blurb about cookies and fictional couples <3 Enjoy!

One of my honest-to-God favorite things about Valentine's Day is the fact that there is always so much pink everywhere. Seeing so many people walking around with little hints of pink popping off their clothes or even all the pastel flowers in the stores just makes me grin. I love pink.
So when I decided to make some VDay treats for my family and coworkers, I had to make sure they were a certain shade. ;D

I went to Pinterest (the Holy Grail of holiday cooking ideas) and just typed in "pink Valentines dessert" and there they were! The recipe I used is from a hilariously named site: Click here for the recipe link, but I will preface that by saying that they are super easy to make, and only recipe 4 ingredients (5 if you use spinkles). I'm definitley going to be trying variations on this recipe because the texture of the cookies was excellent.

And of course, since today is the day of love, I thought I'd share some of my favorite book romances (aka the fictional couples I fangirl over and have probably cried about). 

1) Nina & Matthias from "Six of Crows" by Leigh Bardugo

I loved these two together from the first moment they were in a room together! At first two very opposite characters with different intentions and beliefs, they way they come to understand and eventually love each other is sharply written and wonderful. Their entire relationship feels genuine and realistically developed. The scenes with Nina and Matthias were some of my favorite in the books! And everything that happened with them in "Crooked Kingdom" just shattered me, a million times over! If you haven't read this duology then I highly recommend you do so. 

2) Sherlock Holmes and Mary Russell from "The Beekeeper's Apprentice" by Laurie R. King
Doyle purists are gonna hate this, but Holmes & Russ are meant to be. I will fight you on this. 
I have the entire opening scene of this book memorized because I've read the book so much. What starts out as a teacher/apprentice relationship becomes so much more and absolutely brilliant in King's hands. It develops through trust, learning, adventures, and respect and admiration for one another. One of my favorite things about reading these two is that the romantic part of their relationship isn't all from and center. Honestly, I think having a lot of written, surface romance would ruin this series a bit- I adore the way King tucks their moments together in subtle way in the book.

3) Wesley and Buttercup from "The Princes Bride" by William Goldman

Yeah, I said "book" characters, but when I talk about these two, just know that I am picturing and
(photo credit to Simon & Schuster)
thinking of the movie characters. Not only is this my favorite movie, but just may be my favorite fictional romance of all time, too. The fairytale-ness of their relationship; their quest to find each other; their banter and wit- I am always enchanted each time I read/watch Wesley and Buttercup together. The feels are real <3

4) Addie and Rhys from "The Two Princesses of Bamarre" by Gail Carson Levine

This was, undoubtedly, the first book I can ever remember where I was completely obsessed with seeing two characters together. I must have been about 11 years old when I first read this book, and it became a staple on my fantasy reading shelf. Levine is such a masterful storyteller- I looked up to her characters immensely growing up, but Addie and Rhys were always my Levine OTP.

5) Katniss and Peeta from "The Hunger Games" by Suzanne Collins 

I know. Whenever this couple is brought up, it seems to spark a debate about Katniss/Gale, Katniss/Peeta, and Katniss/no one. But the fact of the matter is, Katniss and Peeta are together and I
love that. I love them. They are two very different, dynamic, and memorable characters, and seeing them interact and grow with each other is such an interesting part of this book series. I believe it's in "Mockingjay" when someone tells Katniss she is fire and so it Gale, and Katniss doesn't need anymore fire in her life. Peeta is the calming water (as cliche as it may sound) and he balances with Katniss. Also, the two of them are one of the major reasons I liked the ending of the series. ;)

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