5 tips for graphic novels,

Introduction to Graphic Novels || 5 Tips for Where to Start Reading

2:24 PM Deborah Embury 0 Comments

Before I started reading graphic novels, I was always a little intimidated by them- the sheer size of the selection at most stores was enough to make me skip reading them! It wasn't really until 2015 that I slowly began picking them up. "iZombie" had just premiered on TV, and I was curious to read the graphic novels that inspired the show. Then I just slowly started picking up different ones from the library, and reading ones I saw recommended from YouTube videos.

What I'm saying is that delving into the realm of graphic novels can be a little daunting. Superheroes, zombies, girl gangs, dystopian tales and more all vie for attention in splashy colors and glossy pages.
I thought I would offer up some advice on how to pick out where to start. So here are 5 tips, plus a few reading suggestions, for those who are new to graphic novels! Enjoy! :)

#1) Check out Goodreads lists

It's like browsing at the bookstore expect without the stress of seeing stuffed shelves overflowing with choices!  You can see a plot summary, reviews, and if a particular novel is part of a series or a single book. Plus, there are dozens of themed list on GR that can help you narrow in on a particular topic or theme.
HERE is a list with graphic novels that have badass women characters. HERE's one about graphic novels that are focused on (mostly) real historical events. And HERE is a list of supernatural (but not superhero) reads.

#2) Think about genre- what genres do you already like? Fantasy? Nonfiction? Contemporary? If you like a certain kind of book, say horror, then staring with similar graphic novels may be a good way to start. It's familiar grounds! You can use Tip #1 and look for lists of a certain genre, or ask a librarian or bookstore worker for a recommendation.

*Suggestion for a horror graphic novel: Try "Wytches" by Scott Snyder- very eerie and unsettling! If you like Stephen King or Josh Mallerman, I would recommend this!

#3) Start with standalone reads
Instead of picking up the first in a long-running series, try reading a single complete graphic novel. There are hundreds of Batman graphic novels, so even if you're a batfan (pun intended), finding your starting place there will be a little trickier than just a single read. There's no commitment to a series, just the enjoyment of one beautiful book.

*Suggestion for a standalone: "This One Summer" by Mariko & Jillian Tamaki- a contemporary coming-of-age story that has a very nostalgic and wistful feel.
Illustration from "This One Summer". Art & credit to
Jillian Tamaki
#4) Real life stories
Some of the best graphic novels I've read have been memoirs or semi-biographical reads. There is no fantasy world you have to get acquainted with, or any zombies to worry about- nonfiction is refreshingly predictable sometimes! If you like biographies then I would highly recommend starting here.

*Suggestion for nonfiction graphic novel: "Fun Home" by Alison Bechdel- a highly acclaimed biographical work that that centers on sexuality, family, and womanhood.

#5) Go younger: yes, the Kids section!
I browse the Kids section of bookstores and libraries just as much as I do the "adult" section. And for a good reason, too! Kids/middle grade books are deceivingly simple- don't let the colorful covers and
smiling characters fool you. Graphic novels aimed at kids almost always have themes that are universally relatable: finding yourself, making friends, loss of a loved one, and the love of adventure.

*Suggestion for Kids graphic novels: "Amulet" series by Kazu Kibuishi if you want a world of monsters and family themes, or maybe "Anya's Ghost" for a standalone about a girl who befriends a spirit-but not all is as it seems. 

There you go! I hope some of these tips helped you think about where to start reading graphic novels, or even a new novel to pick up.
Thanks for reading!

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