a monster calls,

The Unpopular Opinions Book Tag || (Or, "I Really Don't Love Romance Books")

3:21 PM Deborah Embury 0 Comments

This is a book tag that was created by TheBookArcher on YouTube, and it's one of my favorite tags to see others do! I love seeing everyone's unpopular opinions, and thought it was past time I offered mine up. Of course, as everyone says, these are my personal opinions- you can love the books I don't, and vice versa. :) Anyway, here we go! 

Question #1: A popular book or series that you did not like

"Looking For Alaska" by John Green. I mean...I just don't get the hype. So many people love this book, and that's totally fine. But "Looking for Alaska" fell flat. I thought the "twist" was anticlimactic, the characters were unlikable, and it just didn't click for me. 

Question #2: A popular book or series that everyone else seems to hate but you love

This is a book series I started reading well before I started book blogging or watching booktube videos, and when I did I was shocked to see how many people said they disliked it. I'm talking about the "Crossed" trilogy by Ally Condie. The primary reason I see people say they don't like it is because of the second book, "Crossed". I'll admit, it's definitely not the strongest second book. But the trilogy as a whole I really enjoyed! 

Question #3: A love triangle where the main character ended up with the person you did not want them to end up with OR and OTP you did not like

This actually isn't a very heated question for me! Honestly, I usually like whatever the author has written, or grow to like the relationship as I read further. For the answer though, I think I'm going to
go with Four and Tris from "Divergent". Mainly because I thought they were each way too emotional and dramatic to be in a relationship in the first place, and also because their voices sounded so alike- I disliked reading dialogue between them because they sounded like verbal twins! 

Question #4: A popular genre you hardly reach for

Romance! I've totally tried reading a few romance books, and there were a couple I like, but as a whole romance is just not a genre that calls to me. I like romance in books (hello, Nina and Matthias) but I can't think of a single full-on romance novel that I love. "To All The Boys I've Loved Before" by Jenny Han is probably the closest! Although I think technically that's classified as "contemporary YA"? 

Question #5: A popular or beloved character you did not like

Freaking SEVERUS SNAPE!! This dude is awful! And yes, lots of characters in the Harry Potter series do some messed up stuff, but I really don't get how people defend Snape and call him "strong" and "misunderstood". He was horrible to young children, unforgiving, abusive, and vile. As a character he is interesting but it blows my mind when people say they love him. 

Question #6: A popular author you can't seem to get into

This definitely ties back into the popular genre I can't get into, but Sarah Dessen. I mean, I've read a couple of her books and thought they were fine, but again: romance just isn't my thing. Her writing style is good, and she's created some very engaging characters. It's just those romantic plots that turn me off of her books. 

Question #7: A popular book trope you're tired of seeing

Oops, sorry, another answer that revolves around romance! I'm definitely tired of seeing forbidden love romances. Whether it's because a parent forbids it, or there's an "incest" theme (looking @ you, Shadowhunters), or the two characters are from different worlds/realms/races, forbidden romances just don't excite me! 

Question #8: A popular series you have no interest in reading

I don't know if it's because I see this series at work all the time, or if I'm worried it will mess up my love for the original "Wizard of Oz" film, but I really don't see myself reading the "Dorothy Must Die" series anytime soon. Retellings are always a hit-or-miss for me, too. If someone thinks I'll really love this then I might read it, but it will take a lot of convincing. 

Question #9:The saying goes, "The book is always better than the movie" but what movie or TV show adaptation did you like better than the book? 

I'm sorry for this, Patrick Ness, but the "A Monster Calls" movie was simply gorgeous unfolding on
the silver screen. Your book was, too! However, the scenes where the monster was telling stories to Connor were simply captivating. The inky watercolors and fluid movements made me feel as if I were the one being spoken to. I think seeing the emotions unfold on screen were incredibly well done! *

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