adam silvera,

Boston Photo Blog & Meeting Adam Silvera!

8:16 PM Deborah Embury 0 Comments

Because my friends and I are obsessive book nerds, we decided to make the drive from Maryland to Boston, Massachusetts recently to see Adam Silvera on his tour for "History Is All You Left Me" (for those of you not familiar with the East Coast, that's a 8+ hour drive).  It was somewhat of an impromptu decision, but it wasn't as if we hadn't done something similar before. Last year, we went to NYC a couple times for other book events, including an ungodly 1AM Megabus ride to get to meet Maggie Steifvater. But that's another story..
Anyway, the whole trip was a remarkable! We explored parts of Boston, visited three different bookstores and a comic shop, did some shopping, and of course, had front row seats to hearing authors Adam Silvera and Jaye Robin Brown speak about their books. 

the coolest neon welcome from Boston's Primark
yeah, we're all a little touristy ;)
We basically took pictures of everything that said "Boston". I had never been here before, so I was pretty excited!

Boston has some of the prettiest and eclectic buildings I've ever seen! 
Seriously! Turning a corner meant seeing a whole new street full of dark brick houses with elegant trim, or an edgy looking shop with huge glass windows and warm lighting. The architecture in this city was unreal.
hashtag OOTD
There are all kinds of little bits and pieces of street art through most cities, and Boston was no exception.

the rare book section of Brattle Books

It was definitely a bookish kind of day...
Brattle Books was the second bookstore we stopped at. There were two crammed levels of used books, with peeling covers and yellowed pages. Then there was a third equally crammed level where the rare books resided. It was like a little museum of gilded spines and weathered covers.

it was rainy on and off, but we didn't let that stop us

litte decorations inside Brookline Booksmith

this needs to find its way onto my bookshelf!

this little book painted alley was iconic!

*click click click*

this meal at Trident Books was DELICIOUS! 10/10 would recommend 

Everyone smile! :) Here we are with authors Jaye Robbin Brown (second from left)
and Adam Silvera (second from right)
Ah yes! This is why we came! Adam Silvera is the author of "More Happy Than Not" and "History Is All You Left Me". Jaye Robin Brown has also written two books, "Georgia Peaches and Other Forbidden Fruit" and "No Place To Fall".
The event was held at Trident Books & Cafe and was moderated by one of their lovely employees. They spoke about a variety of topics, from inspiration of their characters to diverse representation. Adam mentioned he was currently writing two books, one called "They Both Die At The End", scheduled for fall 2017 publication, and another sci-fi novel! Ah, I'm super pumped for that one! They both also took questions from the audience, and then took their time signing books and answering even more questions. 
When we walked up, Silvera recognized us from the tweets we had been sending him of our trip up to Boston. They were both immensely lovely people who were clearly passionate about their writing. Brown also told us about NOVA Teen Book Fest, a YA literature event that she would be attending later this year (we're already planning on going!) 
I gotta say: one of the coolest parts of this? Adam took the time to doodle a little sketch inside my copy of "History Is All You Left Me":
All hail the mighty #GayDragon!
It was a magnificent event! I'm looking forwards to reading more from these authors, and I already want to go back to Boston for some more exploring. 

And then Adam rewarded us House Points for trekking up to the event ;) BOOYAH! 

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